Q: In what way do studies at master's level differ compared to master's level?

A: "I experience that the master's level is significantly more in-depth than the bachelor’s level. My experience of the bachelor's studies has strengthened me in many ways, but above all because today I possess a good ability to sort through lots of information and research to understand what is important and useful. Master's studies require that type of knowledge and take it a step further. Studies at master's level develop one's ability to deeply understand an area and for the programme, it is often a matter of putting it in a practical scenario, which in any case is of great importance for my learning."

Q: What do you want to do after graduation?


A: "I want to work with intrapreneurship or idea developers. I want to meet ideas in the early stages either within companies or as investors for example a Venture Capital company."

Q: Why does MSc Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship suit you so well?

A: "The Programme is a master's that combines theory with practice. There are many prominent researchers in entrepreneurship, but as I experience all theories, it does not hurt to be challenged. Rather, it broadens the understanding of the basics of the various theories and the fantastic research. At the same time, as a student, you get in touch with researchers and entrepreneurs through GU Ventures and you get the opportunity to either create a business case of their ideas or develop your own idea and creativity with support from experts."

Q: How did you go about choosing which master's program to study?

A: "I went for what I am interested in, namely innovation and entrepreneurship. The combination felt best in the Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship program. Especially in combination with the fact that during the program you get in touch with the business community through GU Ventures. It becomes so real when you get a practical understanding in combination with the academic. With this as motivation, the choice was easy."

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studies MSc Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship.


Linnéa Fröström


Interview with Linnéa Fröström



"Studies at master's level develop one's ability to deeply understand an area and for KBE it is often a matter of putting it in a practical scenario, which at least for me is of great importance for learning"


Q: What do you want to do after graduation?


A: "I want to work with intrapreneurship or idea developers. I want to meet ideas in the early stages either within companies or as investors for example a Venture Capital company."

Q: In what way do studies at master's level differ compared to master's level?

A: "I experience that the master's level is significantly more in-depth than the bachelor’s level. My experience of the bachelor's studies has strengthened me in many ways, but above all because today I possess a good ability to sort through lots of information and research to understand what is important and useful. Master's studies require that type of knowledge and take it a step further. Studies at master's level develop one's ability to deeply understand an area and for the programme, it is often a matter of putting it in a practical scenario, which in any case is of great importance for my learning."

Q: Why does MSc Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship suit you so well?

A: "The Programme is a master's that combines theory with practice. There are many prominent researchers in entrepreneurship, but as I experience all theories, it does not hurt to be challenged. Rather, it broadens the understanding of the basics of the various theories and the fantastic research. At the same time, as a student, you get in touch with researchers and entrepreneurs through GU Ventures and you get the opportunity to either create a business case of their ideas or develop your own idea and creativity with support from experts."

studies MSc Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship.


Q: How did you go about choosing which master's program to study?

A: "I went for what I am interested in, namely innovation and entrepreneurship. The combination felt best in the Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship program. Especially in combination with the fact that during the program you get in touch with the business community through GU Ventures. It becomes so real when you get a practical understanding in combination with the academic. With this as motivation, the choice was easy."

Linnéa Fröström


"Studies at master's level develop one's ability to deeply understand an area and for KBE it is often a matter of putting it in a practical scenario, which at least for me is of great importance for learning"


Interview with Linnéa Fröström