Read Marvin's interview
“Within our curriculum, we have the chance to take an internship.”

Read Wilhelm's interview
Wilhelm Åkesson fights financial crime

Read Federico's interview
From Rome to Gothenburg: Federico Bruschi's Double Degree Experience

Meet our Students and Alumni
Programme coordinator
Katarina Nordblom

monthly salary
The students initial salary is between
38 000 - 39 999 SEK.
Did you have great use of the knowledge and skills acquired during your education?
93% of the students thought they had use of acquired knowledge and skills.
Graduates hired quickly
100% of the students found employment within 6 months of completing their studies. 71,4% found positions before they completed their studies.

Would you recommend the programme?
93,8% of the students would recommend the School to prospective students.
Did your first job require university education?
92% of the students had jobs that required university education in their field of study.

Visiting address
Universitetsplatsen 1
Org. nummer: 202100-3153
Our channels
The University of Gothenburg
Box 100
405 30 Gothenburg
Main Switchboard
+46 31-786 00 00

Graduate School
Student Counsellors

Read more

Life in Gothenburg

After Graduation
Graduates of the programme receive a degree of Master of Science in Economics.
Reflecting the scope of the programme, our graduates find positions within a broad
range of private industries and public and international organizations,
such as:
economists or project leaders at Riksbanken, Ministry of Finance, the World Bank, and private consultancy firms
environmental economists at COWI AB and Havs- och Vattenmyndigheten
programme officer at UN Environment
health economists at TLV, Folkhälsomyndigheten, and Region Västra Götaland
financial advisors at Danske Bank and Nordea and analysts at Skolinspektionen, Statistic Sweden, and Försäkringskassan
continued studies at a doctorate level for academic careers
120 credits
Two year full-time
in Economics

Programme set up
& Syllabus

& Selection

Interview with Anna,
People Data Analyst at Volvo Cars

Who Should Apply?
Are you concerned with sustainability and interested in how economics can help us face future sustainability challenges?
Do you want to find real solutions to important problems rather than relying on quick fixes?
Are you curious, analytical, and hardworking and want to be challenged to further develop your skillset in economics?
Then our master’s programme in Economics will suit you perfectly!
About the Programme
Tuition fee for this programme
188 040 SEK for two years of full-time studies
No fees are charged for EU/EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.
This programme will provide you with a high-level toolkit for understanding and analysing complex economic problems. You will be prepared for a career as a professional economist in industry or public sector or, as a PhD student. During the programme you will have the opportunity to apply your skills in a real-world setting during an internship.
You will be prepared to analyze the big issues in society, such as climate change and world poverty – and the small ones, such as competition restrictions or individual behaviour.

Read about exchange studies

Read Marvin's interview
“Within our curriculum, we have the chance to take an internship.”

Read Wilhelm's interview
Wilhelm Åkesson fights financial crime

Read Federico's interview
From Rome to Gothenburg: Federico Bruschi's Double Degree Experience

Meet our Students and Alumni
Programme coordinator
Katarina Nordblom

monthly salary
The students initial salary is between
38 000 - 39 999 SEK.
Graduates hired quickly
100% of the students found employment within 6 months of completing their studies. 71,4% found positions before they completed their studies.
Did you have great use of the knowledge and skills acquired during your education?
93% of the students thought they had use of acquired knowledge and skills.

Would you recommend the programme?
93,8% of the students would recommend the School to prospective students.
Did your first job require university education?
92% of the students had jobs that required university education in their field of study.

Life in Gothenburg

Read about exchange studies

After Graduation
Graduates of the programme receive a degree of Master of Science in Economics.
Reflecting the scope of the programme, our graduates find positions within a broad
range of private industries and public and international organizations,
such as:
economists or project leaders at Riksbanken, Ministry of Finance, the World Bank, and private consultancy firms
environmental economists at COWI AB and Havs- och Vattenmyndigheten
programme officer at UN Environment
health economists at TLV, Folkhälsomyndigheten, and Region Västra Götaland
financial advisors at Danske Bank and Nordea and analysts at Skolinspektionen, Statistic Sweden, and Försäkringskassan
continued studies at a doctorate level for academic careers
Graduate School
Student Counsellors

Read more

Programme set up
& Syllabus

& Selection
Who Should Apply?
Are you concerned with sustainability and interested in how economics can help us face future sustainability challenges?
Do you want to find real solutions to important problems rather than relying on quick fixes?
Are you curious, analytical, and hardworking and want to be challenged to further develop your skillset in economics?
Then our master’s programme in Economics will suit you perfectly!

Interview with Anna,
People Data Analyst at Volvo Cars

About the Programme
Tuition fee for this programme
188 040 SEK for two years of full-time studies
No fees are charged for EU/EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.
This programme will provide you with a high-level toolkit for understanding and analysing complex economic problems. You will be prepared for a career as a professional economist in industry or public sector or, as a PhD student. During the programme you will have the opportunity to apply your skills in a real-world setting during an internship.
You will be prepared to analyze the big issues in society, such as climate change and world poverty – and the small ones, such as competition restrictions or individual behaviour.

120 credits
Two year full-time
in Economics