Q: Which student-related moments have influenced and inspired you?
A: "I am amazed by the Career Service center. The amount of resources it makes available is incredible. From international fairs, consultation sessions, to CV clinics. It is truly helpful in equipping students with the right tools to shift smoothly from the academic to the professional world. I personally took part in various fairs and workshops, which helped me upgrade my network, and learn more about available opportunities.
Q: Why does Marketing and Consumption suit you so well?
"Marketing and consumption allow you to use the right blend of analytical and creative skills. The knowledge acquired in this program has both theoretical and practical significance. This program is very holistic in that sense. An example of this is the group project we work on for service design. The assignment was to optimise a service website of our choice, based on literature, seminars, and class discussions. After grabbing hold of theoretical constructs in service marketing and human-computer interaction, we used those theoretical perspectives in creating a report comprising practical and scalable solutions for the selected service. This course has so far been was very interesting in my view."
Q: Why did you decide to study your master’s at the School of Business, Economics, and Law?
"The School is one of two universities to have triple accreditation with a program syllabus that is rich. That was a major factor motivating my decision. Moreover, many alumni from the school are now successful business professionals, either as entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs. One interesting criterion in my choice was the students per professor ratio. In comparison with other universities, the School has fewer students per professor/supervisor. In my opinion, this is very important, as it keeps the interaction between professors and students qualitative rather than quantitative. In class, you can sense that after a few lectures, the professor is able to build an understanding of each student’s interests and thinking."
Q: Where do you see yourself after completed studies?
A: "I personally want to follow a career in user experience design (UX design), it is just that next dive into consumer-centrality in business. After completing my studies, my goal is to find a job in a creative agency, that contributes to sustainable change through innovation. My vision is to be a pioneer in promoting equitable and accessible products and services, marketing is very much involved with social structures and therefore holds great responsibility and potential to change society into a more socially sustainable place."
Q: How do you find life living and studying in Gothenburg?
A: "Living here as a student is really amazing. Gothenburg helps you create the right balance between your studies and other aspects of your life. If you want to study, student-friendly cafes and libraries are all over town, if you want to grab a Fika, Haga is the place to go. If you want to disconnect a little bit, you can take the ferry to the archipelago and if you simply want to go for a walk, you have a wide selection of parks. Also, the population here is very international, and the locals are very kind."

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studies MSc Marketing and Consumption
Aya Allali
Interview with Aya Allali

Q: Where do you see yourself after completed studies?
A: "I personally want to follow a career in user experience design (UX design), it is just that next dive into consumer-centrality in business. After completing my studies, my goal is to find a job in a creative agency, that contributes to sustainable change through innovation. My vision is to be a pioneer in promoting equitable and accessible products and services, marketing is very much involved with social structures and therefore holds great responsibility and potential to change society into a more socially sustainable place."

Q: Why does Marketing and Consumption suit you so well?
"Marketing and consumption allow you to use the right blend of analytical and creative skills. The knowledge acquired in this program has both theoretical and practical significance. This program is very holistic in that sense. An example of this is the group project we work on for service design. The assignment was to optimise a service website of our choice, based on literature, seminars, and class discussions. After grabbing hold of theoretical constructs in service marketing and human-computer interaction, we used those theoretical perspectives in creating a report comprising practical and scalable solutions for the selected service. This course has so far been was very interesting in my view."
Q: Which student-related moments have influenced and inspired you?
A: "I am amazed by the Career Service center. The amount of resources it makes available is incredible. From international fairs, consultation sessions, to CV clinics. It is truly helpful in equipping students with the right tools to shift smoothly from the academic to the professional world. I personally took part in various fairs and workshops, which helped me upgrade my network, and learn more about available opportunities.
Q: Why did you decide to study your master’s at the School of Business, Economics, and Law?
"The School is one of two universities to have triple accreditation with a program syllabus that is rich. That was a major factor motivating my decision. Moreover, many alumni from the school are now successful business professionals, either as entrepreneurs or intrapreneurs. One interesting criterion in my choice was the students per professor ratio. In comparison with other universities, the School has fewer students per professor/supervisor. In my opinion, this is very important, as it keeps the interaction between professors and students qualitative rather than quantitative. In class, you can sense that after a few lectures, the professor is able to build an understanding of each student’s interests and thinking."

studies MSc Marketing and Consumption
Q: How do you find life living and studying in Gothenburg?
A: "Living here as a student is really amazing. Gothenburg helps you create the right balance between your studies and other aspects of your life. If you want to study, student-friendly cafes and libraries are all over town, if you want to grab a Fika, Haga is the place to go. If you want to disconnect a little bit, you can take the ferry to the archipelago and if you simply want to go for a walk, you have a wide selection of parks. Also, the population here is very international, and the locals are very kind."
Aya Allali
Interview with Aya Allali