Q: Why does MSc Management suit you so well?

A: "I am passionate about development and change management. Leadership is central and our programme includes both theory and practical projects in, for example, strategy and corporate governance. In addition, I get the chance to do elective courses and then I can choose more financial courses that I also benefit from when making decisions.

Q: What do you want to do after graduation?


A: "I want to work with company strategy and change management full time. Since I am not entirely sure which industry suits me and that I am driven to try new things, I see myself as a management consultant who works with many different projects. When I have worked with it for a few years, I have hopefully found my expertise that I can continue to work with.

Q: In what way do studies at master's level differ compared with master's level?

A: "I would say that you are a part of a class where all students have the same interest and drive to learn new things in the subject. But above all, it is the researchers in Management who make the education so incredibly good. They have new knowledge from research with the business community which they share with us, not just older, classic manager models. At the same time, they show great commitment with seminars and group work which makes the education really fun and rewarding - not just theoretical.

Q: How did you go about choosing which master's program to study?

A: "With a bachelor's degree in economics and optional courses in business administration, I felt that strategy and leadership were the courses I thought were most interesting. The Master programme in Management became a natural choice. I chose the programme that I thought would suit my interests and future plans the best. I am passionate about business development and want to develop an ability to lead and run organisational change. Society is constantly changing and companies must do the same for a long-term, sustainable future. With that said, economics has given me a better understanding of society and in combination with the management master’s I get a really good economics education."

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studies MSc Management


Malin Setterström


Interview with Malin Setterström



"I am passionate about business development and want to develop an ability to lead and drive organizational change. Society is constantly changing, and so must companies for a long-term, sustainable future."


Q: What do you want to do after graduation?


A: "I want to work with company strategy and change management full time. Since I am not entirely sure which industry suits me and that I am driven to try new things, I see myself as a management consultant who works with many different projects. When I have worked with it for a few years, I have hopefully found my expertise that I can continue to work with.

Q: Why does MSc Management suit you so well?

A: "I am passionate about development and change management. Leadership is central and our programme includes both theory and practical projects in, for example, strategy and corporate governance. In addition, I get the chance to do elective courses and then I can choose more financial courses that I also benefit from when making decisions.

Q: In what way do studies at master's level differ compared with master's level?

A: "I would say that you are a part of a class where all students have the same interest and drive to learn new things in the subject. But above all, it is the researchers in Management who make the education so incredibly good. They have new knowledge from research with the business community which they share with us, not just older, classic manager models. At the same time, they show great commitment with seminars and group work which makes the education really fun and rewarding - not just theoretical.

studies MSc Management


Q: How did you go about choosing which master's program to study?

A: "With a bachelor's degree in economics and optional courses in business administration, I felt that strategy and leadership were the courses I thought were most interesting. The Master programme in Management became a natural choice. I chose the programme that I thought would suit my interests and future plans the best. I am passionate about business development and want to develop an ability to lead and run organisational change. Society is constantly changing and companies must do the same for a long-term, sustainable future. With that said, economics has given me a better understanding of society and in combination with the management master’s I get a really good economics education."

Malin Setterström


"I am passionate about business development and want to develop an ability to lead and drive organizational change. Society is constantly changing, and so must companies for a long-term, sustainable future."


Interview with Malin Setterström