Q: Why does MSc Economics suit you so well?

A: "In addition to the subject economics being very interesting, and the master's level providing a further in-depth study, the program offers very current knowledge. We learn statistical programs and theoretical models that are actually used by our future employers, which feels valuable. The School of Business Economics and Law also invites many interesting guest lecturers who give an idea of the problems that modern research is working with today."

Q: What do you want to do after graduation?


A: "After graduation, I want to work with applying economic analysis to various societal problems, such as how to calculate and remedy companies that unfairly use their market position to take monopoly prices. It is a topic that is becoming increasingly relevant as large companies in digitisation and AI take increasing market shares.

Q: What benefits do you see from having continued your studies at the School of Business, Economics and Law?

"The School has very many interesting professors and the courses have both breadth and depth, so I feel that taking my master's here gives me a lot in return. I have also gotten to know new people who are as interested in economics as I am! The School also has a vibrant association life which is very useful when, for example, you want to broaden your network of contacts with future employers."

Q: In what way do studies at master's level differ compared to master's level?

A: "The master's level is tougher, that's quite clear. But you also get a deeper understanding of subjects that you were introduced to at the bachelor's level, which means that you can use the knowledge in more areas. The feeling you get is that you finally start to really understand economics."

Q: How did you go about choosing which master's program to study?

A: "Already during the bachelor's program, I had the opportunity to talk to others who studied different master's programmes and from there got a good picture of what distinguishes the different programs and what is expected of me as a student. Then I read through the course set up on the website and saw that the focus was on in-depth study and practical application of economic models, which was exactly what I was looking for."

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studies MSc Economics


Wilhelm Åkesson


Interview with Wilhelm Åkesson



"The master's level is tougher, that's quite clear. But you also get a deeper understanding of subjects that you were introduced to at the bachelor's level, which means that you can use the knowledge in more areas."


Q: In what way do studies at master's level differ compared to master's level?

A: "The master's level is tougher, that's quite clear. But you also get a deeper understanding of subjects that you were introduced to at the bachelor's level, which means that you can use the knowledge in more areas. The feeling you get is that you finally start to really understand economics."

Q: What do you want to do after graduation?


A: "After graduation, I want to work with applying economic analysis to various societal problems, such as how to calculate and remedy companies that unfairly use their market position to take monopoly prices. It is a topic that is becoming increasingly relevant as large companies in digitisation and AI take increasing market shares.

Q: Why does MSc Economics suit you so well?

A: "In addition to the subject economics being very interesting, and the master's level providing a further in-depth study, the program offers very current knowledge. We learn statistical programs and theoretical models that are actually used by our future employers, which feels valuable. The School of Business Economics and Law also invites many interesting guest lecturers who give an idea of the problems that modern research is working with today."

Q: What benefits do you see from having continued your studies at the School of Business, Economics and Law?

"The School has very many interesting professors and the courses have both breadth and depth, so I feel that taking my master's here gives me a lot in return. I have also gotten to know new people who are as interested in economics as I am! The School also has a vibrant association life which is very useful when, for example, you want to broaden your network of contacts with future employers."

studies MSc Economics


Q: How did you go about choosing which master's program to study?

A: "Already during the bachelor's program, I had the opportunity to talk to others who studied different master's programmes and from there got a good picture of what distinguishes the different programs and what is expected of me as a student. Then I read through the course set up on the website and saw that the focus was on in-depth study and practical application of economic models, which was exactly what I was looking for."

Wilhelm Åkesson


"The master's level is tougher, that's quite clear. But you also get a deeper understanding of subjects that you were introduced to at the bachelor's level, which means that you can use the knowledge in more areas."


Interview with Wilhelm Åkesson